Crystals Facts

The world is filled up with large number of crystalline materials like diamonds, quartz and snowflakes. The role of crystalline materials in our life is very important. Here are some interesting facts about crystals. Continue reading Crystals Facts

Chlorine Facts

Chlorine that is a naturally occurring element and a member of periodic table is a light yellow-green gaseous substance. It is one of only a few periodic table elements that have tendency to react with almost all other elements of periodic table and form a new compound. Continue reading Chlorine Facts

Hydropower Facts

Hydropower or water power is the force that we get from energy of moving water or falling water. This is the renewable energy source that is used for various useful purposes including irrigation and generating electricity. Continue reading Hydropower Facts

Nuclear Energy Facts

Nuclear energy is the type of non-renewable energy that is produced by the fission or fusion in the form of controlled nuclear chain reaction. The most amazing thing about nuclear energy is that, this is the form of energy that can be used both for constructive or destructive purpose. Continue reading Nuclear Energy Facts

Wind Power Facts

Wind power is an alternative source of producing electricity and energy. It is very old technique. It is not very popular but it is environmental friendly. To know something more, take a look on these wind power facts. Continue reading Wind Power Facts

10 Bacteria Facts

Bacteria are prokaryotic microscopic organisms and they are unicellular organisms. Besides having very small structure that is composed of just one cell, bacteria have very clear effect on large living organisms like plants, animals and human beings. Continue reading 10 Bacteria Facts