Hydropower Facts

Hydropower or water power is the force that we get from energy of moving water or falling water. This is the renewable energy source that is used for various useful purposes including irrigation and generating electricity. Here are some facts about hydropower.

1. Renewable Energy Source

Hydropower is considered as most and only significant renewable energy source that is a true competitive of energy that we get from fossil fuel. Moreover, it is much reliable energy source as compared to other renewable sources like wind energy, as the flow of river water remain unchanged for much longer time than wind flow.

2. Hydroelectric Power

Hydropower electricity is the most using form of hydropower that is fulfilling needs of electricity completely in more than 30 countries. Moreover, it is the energy source that is contributing in generation of electricity all over the world more than 25%.

3. Safe Energy Source

Hydropower is highly safe energy source for all living beings, as it does not emit harmful greenhouse gases and does not cause global warming as well.

4. Economical Energy Source

Hydropower is the most economical source of electricity generation, as it needs only natural falling water that we get directly from rainfall or melting of glacier’s ice.

5. Dangerous for Fishes

The only drawback of hydropower is causing hindrance in fish movement due to introducing barrier in water movement. So, it is the major factor behind severe damage of fishes and many other aquatic animals.