FFMI Calculator


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Your result is classfied as

Normalized FFMI
Fat-free mass
Total body fat

About FFMI Calculator

What is free fat mass?

Only the composite components of the human body that do not contain fat deposits, such as critical organs, bones, connective tissue, and water, are referred to as "fat free mass." In direct proportion to fat mass, which accounts for the structural integrity of a single person's body composition, fat-free mass is regarded as a key subdivision. The structural elements of the human body that prevent the buildup of fat are referred to as "fat free mass." Fat-free mass is comprised of the critical organs, bones, connective tissue, muscles, and water content since these tissues are unable to create or store fat cells. The term "body composition" refers to the physical mass of a single person taking into consideration proportional weight separated into the two categories of fat mass and fat-free mass. The fat-free mass-to-fat mass ratio is determined by a person's diet, genetics, and exercise routine based on calorie consumption and its inverse conversion to energy with intense activity.

 What is free fat mass index?

The body's muscle development is indicated by the fat-free mass index, or FFMI. Therefore, it can be used to assess if strength training or a dietary adjustment is effective. The FFMI is used as a substitute for the body mass index (BMI), which is no longer suitable for ambitious or professional strength athletes who are particularly muscular. BMI mostly serves the untrained and only provides a preliminary comparison. In contrast, the fat-free mass index is better suited for trained athletes and gives them a much more realistic picture of their physical state.

How to calculate FFMI?

One of the two halves of the human body—the other being everything else—is fat-free mass. Everything else, including organs, fluids, and connective tissue, is referred to as fat-free mass. The ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass is referred to as "body composition," and it can be calculated in a number of ways. You can estimate the mass of fat in your body by having your body's composition measured. Your projected body fat, for instance, could be 24%. But have you ever pondered what the other 76% is made up of? Most of your body's essential tissues and cells are found in your fat-free body mass.

  • Internal organs like your heart, brain, and liver are examples of organs.
  • Muscles include skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.
  • Bone: The bones in your body that support and protect you.
  • Adhesive tissue connecting tendons and ligaments between muscle and bone
  • Water makes up between 50% and 75% of your body.

The ratio of the fat-free mass to height plus a tiny adjustment factor is known as the fat-free mass index.

FFMI = FFM / (H * H) + 6.3 x (1.8 – H)

According to studies, the body's FFMI has a natural top limit, which for men is 25. Therefore, it can be assumed that athletes with an FFMI of over 25 are also using other forms of doping. To prevent the use of illegal chemicals, FFMI is also utilised in the area of natural bodybuilding.

FFMI for women

  • 13-14 = weak
  • 15-16 = normal
  • 17-18 = good
  • 19-20 = very good
  • 22 = upper limit


FFMI for men

  • 17-18 = weak
  • 19-20 = average
  • 21-22 = good
  • 23-24 = very good
  • 25 = upper muscle limit

What is the difference between fat mass and fat-free mass?

There are two types of body fat, often known as adipose tissue or fat mass. To function effectively, your body need a specific amount of vital fat. For critical processes, men require 2% to 5% of body fat, whereas women require more. For optimal performance, a woman's body fat percentage should be between 10% and 13%. Excess or non-essential fat is defined as fat that is not required for essential tasks. This fat serves as insulation and safeguards important organs. In order to lose weight, you should work to reduce your body's fat mass while maintaining or adding to your key fat-free mass, such as your muscle and bone mass. The majority of us have a significantly higher body fat percentage than is necessary. Obesity or being overweight raises the risk of developing medical disorders.

How fat free mass works in weight management?

Over 600 muscles make up your body, and they all act as a crucial source of amino acids that are necessary for the survival of your tissue and organs. Since muscle mass burns more calories than fat mass, it is a preferred component of your body composition because it is dense and requires more work to maintain than fat mass. As a result, the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism and daily calorie expenditure. Maintaining a healthy amount of lean mass aids in weight management and promotes general physical wellness.

Your weight's composition is just as significant as how much you weigh, and maintaining a healthy balance between lean mass and fat is essential for sustaining good health. Be mindful that some fats are necessary for your wellbeing. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, men need about 3% of their body weight in fat, while women need about 12%. Anything beyond this projected quantity is non-essential fat, which is additional fat that is mostly stored in your fat cells and subcutaneous fat, the tissue directly under your skin.

In particular, if you're on a low-calorie diet to lose weight, it's crucial to receive enough amino acids from protein sources in your diet. Your body must break down muscle mass to obtain amino acids if it does not receive enough from meals. This can result in you losing a considerable amount of muscle mass while trying to lose weight, especially if you stick to a fad or starvation diet. By encouraging your body to preferentially break down fat for energy instead of lean muscle, getting enough protein helps you keep the lean mass you already have. This reduces the amount of lean mass you lose and increases the amount of fat burn.

In addition to dietary protein, exercise is essential for preserving and gaining lean muscle. Lack of exercise increases the likelihood that muscles will be broken down for energy.