Wilks Calculator

Unit System:
Your Body Weight:
Weight Lifted:

About Wilks Calculator

What is the wilks score?

In order to evaluate a Powerlifter's strength level in comparison to other lifters of other weight classes or genders, Robert Wilks of Powerlifting Australia devised the Wilks score, Wilks coefficient, or Wilks formula. Strength trainers are well aware that a heavier lifter will probably be able to lift heavier weight than a lighter lifter, but this does not always imply that they are stronger in total. The Wilks score makes it much simpler to compare the two lifters directly. The Wilks score provides a score that has been bodyweight adjusted and may be used to evaluate a lifter's strength for both their overall Powerlifting total as well as only their individual Powerlifting lifts.

The Wilks score can also be used to determine whether your strength has increased following a training cycle. It may be challenging to determine whether you have improved in strength or if your greater lifts are simply a result of being heavier, for instance, if your bodyweight has increased along with your lifting. You can get a normalised outcome of your strength increase—or lack thereof—by calculating your Wilks score before and after the training cycle.

What is considered a good wilks score?

In order to compare lifted weight across lifters of different bodyweights and genders in powerlifting, as well as between lifters who are lighter and heavier, the Wilks formula is used. Powerlifters' strength cannot be determined simply by counting how many times their bodyweight they can lift because this scale does not work linearly. The heavier lifter would be at a significant disadvantage to the lighter lifter. Wilks evaluates you based on the weight you lifted in comparison to what professional lifters of the same weight lift.

The majority of powerlifting federations across the world follow the formula, which is based on research and a coefficient calculated by Robert Wilks of Powerlifting Australia and me. The Wilks coefficient must be calculated using a somewhat complex formula. Age has also been attempted to be factored into the equation in the past (using a Wilks calculator with age factored in), but this attempt has not been formally sanctioned or endorsed by science or study.

A woman who lifts 400 pounds (181.5 kg) while weighing 120 pounds (54.4 kg) receives 218.29 Wilks points. According to the Wilks formula, a man weighing 220 pounds (99.8 kilogrammes) would need to squat 791 pounds (359 kilogrammes) in order to receive 218.54 Wilks points and be classified as stronger. A male lifter weighing the same 160 lbs (72.5 kg) and registering a total of 500 pounds (227 kg) would receive 165 Wilks points and a female lifter would receive 220 Wilks points, respectively. Because men are statistically stronger than women, even though the lifters' weight and the weight they lifted were the same, their Wilks scores were substantially different. For biological reasons, what is a good grade for a woman is not for a guy.

Wilks Points



Promising beginner


Solid beginner


Regional hero


National level








GOAT material


How wilks score Calculated?

Look down to determine the lifter's bodyweight in kilogrammes, and then read across the chart to the right to determine the remaining weight in.05 of a kilogramme. A male weighing 69.45 kg, for instance, has a coefficient of.8971. Multiply the coefficient obtained in the previous step by the individual Lift (Squat, Bench, or Deadlift) or Total to determine a lifter's "Wilks Points." The Best Lifter is the lifter who produced the highest final result.

Wilks scores for both genders are calculated using the same formula.

Wilks score:  W * 500 / (a+bx+cx2+dx3+ex4+fx5)

W is the lifted weight in kilogrammes.

The coefficients are denoted by the letters a through f and x represents the lifter's weight. The coefficients are different for men and women.

Coefficients For Men:

  • a = -216.04
  • b = 16.26
  • c = -0.00
  • d = -0.0011
  • e = 7.01 * 10^-6
  • f = -1.29 * 10^-8

Coefficients For Women:

  • a = 594.31
  • b = -27.23
  • c = 0.8211
  • d = -0.009
  • e = 4.73 * 10^-5
  • f = -9.05 * 10^-8

Is wilks powerlifting formula valid?

Results of data analysis using the Wilks formula show that there is no bias for either men or women's BP or TOT, a favourable bias is present in the women's SQ with no bias in the men's SQ, and a linear unfavourable bias is present in the DL toward bigger men and women. In addition, the allometric technique revealed a bias against light and heavy men and women, which might be acceptable given that there are only half as many lifters in the lightest and heaviest weight classes as there are in the intermediate weight classes. The Wilks formula seems to be an acceptable way to modify powerlifting scores by body mass as it is currently utilised for BP and TOT only.

What are the wilks formula uses?

With the International Powerlifting Federation, World Powerlifting, and Powerlifting Australia, the Wilks formula has long been the accepted measurement method for powerlifters everywhere. This coefficient is a useful way to evaluate total strength to body weight because heavier lifters are frequently able to lift more weight than lighter ones. In some competitions, the bench press, deadlift, and squat are measured using the Wilks formula. In order to achieve reliable results, the Wilks score has unique coefficients for men and women in addition to being a universal formula for all powerlifters.

The ultimate result enables a more precise comparison of lifters who are significantly different in order to identify the stronger person. Additionally, rather of measuring a lifter's powerlifting total per movement, it can assess their overall component. This standard gives you a fair and accurate way to compare men and women. Additionally, anyone can compare their results to those of experts using the Open Powerlifting Database.

Getting a good Wilks score might serve as a benchmark for assessing your present level of strength or placing yourself in relation to other people. If you have a Wilks score of 250, for instance, this is a promising figure that represents some basic powerlifting practise.