Max Heart Rate Calculator

Your BMI is calculated to be:

Your HRmax is calculated to be:

Your target heart rates for interval training are:

During intervals: -
During active rest: -

About Max Heart Rate Calculator

What does maximum heart rate actually mean?

When under intense stress, your heart can beat at its maximum rate, which is 60 beats per minute (physical or otherwise). Using an easy algorithm and your age, you may determine your maximal heart rate. Simply take 220 and remove your age from it. Using this calculation, a 40-year-maximal old's heart rate would be calculated as 220 - 40 years, or 180 beats per minute (bpm). There are other ways besides this to determine your maximal heart rate. Less is written about them below.

How to calculate your maximum heart rate?

You may run at the proper intensity to meet your training objectives with heart rate-based training. In other words, smart training is preferable to constant harsh training. Five heart rate zones, ranging from extremely light to maximal effort, are used to categorise training intensity. Your maximal heart rate is used to calculate the heart rate zones. Heart rate zone 4, for instance, allows you to train at 81–90% of your HR maximum while boosting your ability for peak performance. Alternately, you can train at a little lower level of 71–80% of your heart rate while enhancing the effectiveness of blood circulation in heart rate zone 3 (which is typically your average heart rate while jogging). You must first know or estimate your maximum heart rate in order to determine your personal heart rate zones.

You must be prepared to perspire in order to calculate your maximal heart rate, and you also need the appropriate tools to take its reading. You may always start by estimating my maximum heart rate using the tools below if you're just curious about it. Does anything have the potential to affect your maximal heart rate? Your heart rate will be impacted by elements like age, level of fitness, stress, and medications like beta blockers. Does gender have an impact on your maximum heart rate? Male or female, the maximum heart rate calculation is identical. You might be intrigued to learn that smaller persons typically have a greater maximum heart rate; as a result, ladies frequently have a higher rate than men.

You should have your max heart rate scientifically monitored if you want to determine it with the greatest accuracy. You'll need to perform this in a posh laboratory setting with cutting-edge machinery. The maximum treadmill test and the cycling stress test are the two most used methods. A cardiologist or exercise physiologist is often in charge of supervising these tests.

Along with calculations and testing, you can determine your maximum heart rate by donning your running shoes, turning on your heart rate monitor, and hitting the open road. The field test won't require expensive laboratory equipment, but you'll still get a precise and unique estimate of your maximal heart rate. The basic idea is that you warm up correctly before performing an exercise that requires almost all of your available energy. Please be advised that, to be on the safe side, it is preferable to call a friend and ask them to join you for a maximum effort field test. Ensure that you have recently completed some challenging training.

What factors affects MHR?

While the majority of formulae use your age and gender to create a rough MHR, the true calculation is more intricate. Your MHR may be affected by any or all of the following variables:


  • Age: As you get older, your MHR may decrease.
  • Altitude: Altitude can cause your MHR to decrease.
  • Fitness: Your level of physical fitness has no bearing on MHR.
  • Genes: Your genes have an impact on your MHR.1
  • Individual differences: Even among people of the same age and gender, MHR might differ greatly.
  • Size: Because MHR is often higher in smaller individuals, women frequently have higher MHRs than men.
  • Exercise: Exercise doesn't actually affect your MHR, but if it does, it may decrease as a result of your body's enlarged blood and heart volumes.

How long can you remain at your max heart rate?

Since your max heart rate is attained by the most strenuous level of physical exertion your body is capable of, it is only sustainable for very short periods of time. For the average person, this likely falls somewhere between 10 seconds and 1 minute. The world's greatest athletes may be able to perform at their maximum HR for 3–4 minutes, while very excellent athletes may frequently sustain it for about 2 minutes. Maximum heart rate alone may not indicate fitness. It doesn't increase when your fitness level increases or if you exercise frequently, and having a greater maximum heart rate than someone else is not an indicator that you are more fit than they are.

What is a dangerously high heart rate during exercise?

Exercise can be unhealthy for you if your heart rate is over 200 beats per minute. You must get medical attention right away if you experience palpitations, an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, or chest pain.

What happens if you go above your max heart rate?

As far as you are not suffering from coronary artery disease or are at risk for a heart attack, it is possible to go over the upper limit of your zone without experiencing any negative effects. However, it can cause you to sustain a musculoskeletal injury. You may experience aching muscles and joints if you exercise at a heart rate higher than 85% of your goal heart rate.

What is the maximum healthy heart rate?

Adults should have a pulse that beats between 60 and 100 times per minute. Heart rates, commonly referred to as pulse rates, can fluctuate, however some rates can indicate a dangerous disease. Adults should have a resting heart rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). Depending on their age, children's normal resting heart rates can be higher than those of adults. Although everyone's heart rate is different, there are some heart rates that are harmful. When exercising, pause often and check your pulse to see if you're still in your target heart-rate range.