Keyword Research Tool

About Keyword Research Tool

What is keyword in SEO?

Ranking well in search engine results for the words and phrases your potential consumers are searching is the main objective of SEO. They are keywords, those words and phrases. The keywords on your page should be pertinent to the searches people are making as a website owner and content creator so they have a better chance of finding your content among the results.

Why keywords are important?

While there are numerous elements that affect how well your site ranks, keywords make it easier for search engines to grasp the content of each page on your site. Search engines utilise keywords to display the relevant sites for particular searches and to ensure that they are giving their consumers the information they are looking for. As a result, one of the primary objectives of SEO is to identify the keywords that your potential customers use to search for your goods or services, then to develop content that addresses the search intent associated with those keywords, and finally to use those keywords in the appropriate places throughout your website.

What Is keyword research?

In order to strategically use popular search terms that people enter into search engines like Google so that your content shows up higher on a search engine results page, you must conduct keyword research. The primary technique of search engine optimization is keyword research (SEO). Choosing a topic for your content that is concentrated on a group of targeted keywords that you want your content to rank for is step one in the process of how to do keyword research for SEO.

Why keyword research is important?

Understanding your consumers' purchase path, your competitive environment, and how to design your content strategy are all made possible by keyword research. SEO keyword research assists you as a website or marketing manager in creating content judgments that are supported by research and statistics. The development of keywords is a crucial part of SEO. Through the process of SEO, you may conduct successful sponsored search advertisements, optimise existing content, and make judgments based on data. You risk failing to attract potential clients to your website if you select the incorrect keywords or failing to optimise for the proper keywords, as well as risking increased bounce rates as a result of poor content.

How to do keyword research?

Based on your knowledge of your company, create a list of significant, pertinent issues. Insert keywords into those topic buckets.  Recognize How Intent Affects Keyword Research and Conduct Appropriate Analysis. Research relevant search terms. Use tools for keyword research to your benefit. You may conduct keyword research using a variety of techniques and resources. Below, we'll go over a few of those techniques and resources so you can decide which suits you the best.


SEMrush is similar to the Swiss Army Knife of SEO; it is more than just a keyword tool. SEMrush offers 5–10 highly precise keywords that your competitors are already using rather to coming up with a list of potential keywords. But that's only one of its numerous, extraordinarily potent powers.


Mangools, a developer renowned for providing the best keyword research and analysis tools across categories, created the tool known as KWFinder. To get started, use their beginner's guide. Finding keywords with low SEO difficulty is simple thanks to the KWFinder platform, which also offers a tonne of other helpful features.


One of the top keyword research tools for content authors today is Ahrefs. The platform gives users a comprehensive keyword report and uses clickstream data to produce distinctive click metrics.

Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner is a straightforward keyword tool with only a few essential capabilities. It is one of the market's most reliable sources of keyword data, despite its lack of functionality. The information is straight from Google, and the outcomes work well with AdSense revenue.


Majestic is a comprehensive SEO tool for monitoring the health of your website. It's the perfect tool for new blogs and small businesses that don't have the funds to invest much on intricate SEO help.

Try Keyword Tool if you're a keyword data mining nut. The platform, which provides analysis for Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and the App Store, is recognised as one of the best keyword research tools available.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Easy-to-use, pre-built keyword suggestions are provided by the Moz Keyword Explorer. The SEO tool from Moz includes two incredibly distinctive data points in addition to all the features you'd expect from the best keyword research tools.


SpyFu can be the best option for researching the SEO tactics of your rivals. If you're operating in a highly competitive niche, their keyword tool can make a significant difference by revealing profitable, essentially untapped phrases.

 Microsoft Keyword Planner Tool

You can paste a list of keywords into the Microsoft Keyword Planner Tool's free Excel plugin to get a massive list of keyword suggestions, complete with stats for volume, clicks, searches, CPC, bid estimates, match type, and many other factors.

Google Trends

A free tool for finding popular and trending topics is Google Trends. Google Trends displays a line chart of the search term's popularity over time when you input a query. The chart can be configured to show trends for a range of time periods, such as the previous month, week, day, or even hour. A map that displays interest by subregion is also present. For instance, you may see the level of interest for each state in the United States if you search a term there.

Keywords Everywhere

When utilising the browser extension Keywords Everywhere, you can get keyword information straight from a search engine. A number of widgets are added to the right side of Google search results by Keywords Everywhere. The trend data displays the evolution of interest in your search term. Additionally, there are widgets for queries that people also search for, trending keywords, long-tail keywords, and related keywords. You'll also get traffic stats next to each ranking result after installing the plugin. These will display the number of monthly visitors the site receives as well as the number of keywords it is ranked for.