Subnet Calculator

IP Address Subnet Mask

Start Host Address
End Host Address
Max No. of Hosts
Network Address
Broadcast Address
Network Class
Network Address Size Bits
Host Address Size Bits
IP Address Binary
Network Address Binary
Broadcast Address Binary
Subnet Mask Binary

About Subnet Calculator

What is a subnet?

A subnetwork is a divided portion of a larger network. More specifically, subnets divide an IP network logically into numerous, smaller network pieces. Data is sent from one computer to another via the internet using the Internet Protocol (IP). Every machine, or host, on the internet is uniquely identified by at least one IP address. A subnet is a tool used by organisations to partition enormous networks into more manageable subnetworks. To reduce traffic, a subnet divides a large network into a collection of smaller, connected networks. By eliminating these superfluous routing steps, network speeds are increased.

What is a subnet example?

Let's say you wish to join a subnet with three computers. 192.168.255.X (where X is set aside for the device and this is a subnet of /24) is the subnet mask. Two of the PCs are linked to the subnet at and, respectively. The third computer has the IP address, but it is unable to join the network because its subnet mask differs from the subnet's. The third PC could connect if 200 was changed to 255.

What is subnetting?

The purpose of subnetting is to build a computer network that is quick, effective, and dependable. More effective pathways are required to carry the traffic through networks as they grow bigger and more complicated. All network traffic would experience bottlenecks and congestion if it all took the same path at the same time, leading to slow and ineffective backlogs. You can reduce the number of routers that network traffic must transit through by setting up a subnet. To enable traffic to go the shortest distance possible, an engineer can design smaller mini-routes within a larger network.

Subnetting can be compared to partitioning a network the same way you might divide a structure. Everyone outside of the building uses the address of the building to locate it. But the structure also features a lot of rooms. These rooms are all located in the same building and have the same address, but they also have "sub-addresses" that help identify them within the building, such as the study, room 101, etc.

IP addresses make it easier to identify the gear that is a part of your network. You would need to logically arrange the IP addresses in order to find a specific device. Subnetting excels in this situation as a tool to assist you in maintaining network efficiency. A network may have hundreds of thousands of connected devices, and the traffic must follow a convoluted path due to the matching IP addresses. Subnetting restricts the number of devices that can use an IP address. This enables an engineer to organise data so that it can transit without hitting every component of more complicated routers by using subnetting to establish sub-networks. An engineer must match each IP address class to a subnet mask in order to accomplish this.

Although a subnet mask is similar to an IP address, it can only be used on internal networks. In order for appropriate data to be delivered on specific routes according to its destination, this mask assists in identifying which portion of the IP address refers to the network and which portion relates to the host. The tool that a router uses to match an IP address with a sub-network is called a subnet mask.

What is the difference between ipv4 and ipv6 address?

Devices on a local network or the internet can be uniquely identified by their IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. Your computer may communicate with other computers worldwide thanks to its IP address. IP addresses have a number of characteristics, such as: whether it be static or dynamic Size and Scope options include IPv4 or IPv6, respectively.

The IPv4 address is 32 bits, while the IPv6 address is 128 bits to accommodate greater needs. An IPv6 address uses hexadecimal values like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 while an IPv4 address uses numeric numbers like

What is a 255.255 255.0 subnet?

A subnet mask has four bytes (32 bits), just like an IP address, and is represented using the same syntax. An example would be the IP address A subnet mask is necessary for TCP/IP to function. Class A networks have 0-127 as their first octet with a default subnet mask of Class B networks have 128-191 as their first octet and as their default subnet mask. Class C networks contain 192-223 as their first octet and a default subnet mask of

An IP address's subnet mask completes it by identifying the subnet to which it belongs. The network address and the host address are the two parts of an IP address. If more subnetworks are required, subnetting further separates the host portion of an IP address into a subnet and host address. It effectively separates an IP address into a network address and a host address while masking the IP address.

Where are the benefits of subnetting?

Subnetting divides broadcast domains to facilitate effective traffic routing, enhancing network performance and speed. Traffic is kept inside the specified subnet thanks to a subnet mask. As a result, there is less severe congestion and the network is not put under as much stress. Data packets need to travel less distance when using sub-networks, which improves network speed. Increased network security is possible. You have a better understanding of route maps and are better able to see potential dangers when your larger network is divided into various subnets. With subnets, businesses can control which hardware and users have access to more sensitive data and prevent devices from accessing the entire network. In large businesses, effective organisation is essential. Businesses can fully control their traffic, data packets, network, and routers thanks to subnetting.

Where are the disadvantages of subnetting?

Subnetting is highly expensive and needs to be done with expertise. Depending on how you divide them up, subnetworks can be wasteful. For instance, each subnetwork needs to reserve two IPs from the pool's total allocation for its network ID and broadcast ID. Imagine if each structure had its own unique number rather than a hierarchical address. It would be a nightmare going to people's houses or delivering mail! Instead, we typically group addresses according to the level of detail: nation, city, street, etc. The internet equivalent is subnetting. Effective traffic routing is crucial for network organisation. Subnetting also aids in the prevention of issues like IP disputes. When two devices on the same network share the same IP address, an IP address conflict occurs.