10 Addition Facts

There is a lot of things happening in this world. Some things are multiplying themselves and others are reducing gradually. Everything is doing exactly what it is been created to do. If we see the world with the eye of a mathematician, things will look different. While we always limit addition and subtraction to math only, we forget that everything in this world has a mathematical base. Addition is one function of math but it is not limited to mathematics only. It has many other implications. Below are given some facts about addition.

1. Basic Function

It is the easiest basic function in basic mathematics. Kids are taught addition first because it is easy to understand.

2. Inverse If Addition

In mathematics, there is always an equal and opposite function. The equal and opposite function of addition is subtraction.

3. Equation

If you are solving an equation, you will see many negative and positive signs on either side of equation. The object that is added on one side of equation is subtracted on the other side of the same equation if move on the other side in equation solution process.

4. Sign Of Addition

The sign to show addition function is positive sign. This positive sign shows that the number being added can never be negative; it will always be added into any small or big number.

5. Two Negatives Make One Positive

In the rules of mathematics, if two negative figures are been multiplied, the answer will always be a positive figure. Hence, when you find two negative figures being multiplied, they will give you a positive answer.

6. Which Sign To Put?

Whenever there are two figure been solved the answer will contain the sign of the biggest number. E.g. if there is -20 and you have to add it into +30, the answer will be +10 because the bigger figure contains + sign.

7. Adding Big Numbers

If you do not have calculator and you have to add two really big numbers, it will not be practical to start counting on your figures, simply put the bigger number with number on the top and the small one on the bottom and then add digit wise.

8. Addition-Multiplication Relation

There is a relationship between multiplication and addition. The same results can be generated from both but by their own respective rules.

9. Additive Characteristics Of Functions

The additive characteristic says that;

a+b = b+a, i.e. answer should remain the same.

10. The Additive Inverse

Anything added into its negative same, results in zero.


And any thing added to zero results the same.