10 Vitamins Facts

Vitamins are no doubt, the most important need of human beings to stay healthy as well as energetic. The source of getting these vitamins is our food including vegetables, fruits, pulses etc. In case of getting deficiency of these vitamins, we become weak and even disable. Every vitamin plays a different role in our bodies and this role is fulfilled by any other source. Balanced diet is the right way of taking each vitamin in precise proportion. Here are a few facts about vitamins.

1. Origin of Word “Vitamin”

The origin of word “vitamin” is “vitamine” or you can say “vital amine”. In 1911, it was discovered that not all the vitamins have nitrogen, so we cannot include all of them in the class of “amine”. So, it was decided to change its name into modern day name “vitamin”.

2. Basic Elements of Vitamin

As all the vitamin contain oxygen, hydrogen and carbon essentially, so we can say all the vitamins, the organic compounds on behalf of this property.

3. Classification of Vitamin

We can make the classification of vitamins into two broader groups. One is called water-soluble vitamins and the other class is known as fat soluble vitamins.

4. Need of Vitamin

It is wrong concept that vitamins are required in larger quantity to our bodies. Remember one thing! We just need vitamins in very small quantity, but on regular basis.

5. Food- The major Source of Most Vitamin Types

Food is the major source of getting vitamins that we need on daily basis. Only biotin and vitamin D are the two types of vitamins that we cannot get from our daily diet. However, our diet should be balanced to get vitamin in proper proportion.

6. Fat-soluble vitamins

The vitamins like A, D, E and K are called fat-soluble vitamins. The sources of fat soluble vitamins are fish, vegetables oils, animal fats and dairy products.

7. Water-Soluble Vitamin

The vitamins that fall in the category of water soluble vitamins are B, C  and folic acid. The sources of getting water-soluble vitamins are like fish, meat, vegetables and fruits.

8. Benefits of Organic Vitamin

The vitamins that we get from organic sources produces good energy and other beautiful features as well than vitamins derived from ordinary inorganic sources.

9. Source of Vitamin C & B

Citrus fruits are the best sources of getting vitamin C, while peas, grains, eggs, seafood and vegetables are the sources to get vitamin B.

10. Sources of Vitamin A & E

Vitamin A is present in butter, carrots, liver, eggs and oranges. Similarly, vitamin E is present in wheat, seeds, sardines and cereals.