10 American Facts

U.S.A stands for United States of America. Discovered by Columbus, it is the largest and most populated country of the world. This country has been involved in many wars but still it has managed to secure the top position in the world. Today’s US federal govt. is result of the constitution of 1789 and since then there are no major amendments in that constitution. This country of 307.007 million population has emerged as the super power of world and is mark of success for other countries.

1. History

It was discovered in 1775 by Columbus when he was on a sea voyage with his master. In 1770’s there were about 13 colonies in America containing about two million people who were all prosperous and were served by the slaves who were brought here from Africa and other less developed areas.

2. Independence Day:

United States of America came into existence in 1776 on July 4 that is why 4th July is official Independence Day of USA.

3. National flower and national anthem

Rose is the national flower of USA. The national anthem is called “The star spangled banner”.

4. Super power

USA is the super power of the world and has the largest economy of the world. It has the best military power also and it is the first country to launch satellite in the space. This is why it has high influence on the world.

5. Exploiting nature

It is evident from many facts that USA is highly influential on developing countries and that is why it exploits their political power and natural and human resources. According to some political groups, it also “pokes nose” in internal affairs of other countries like Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India etc.

6. States of USA

USA is divided into 50 states among which Rhode is the smallest and Alaska is the largest state. Alaska has the longest coastline in US.

7. Official language

It would be surprising for many people to know that America has no official language, although English is the most commonly spoken language in USA.

8. No P.M

USA is one of those rare countries who have only president and no prime minister.

9. Natural disasters

Every year USA faces most dangerous and destructive storms named Rita, Katrina and Lolita.

10. Tallest buildings

As of 2009 survey report, the 25 tallest building (sky scrapers) are in United States of America.


Tallest mountain in the world in Hawaii and tallest waterfall of Rockies is in north Karolina. World famous Niagara Falls is also in on New York-Canadian border.