Wind Power Facts

Wind power is an alternative source of producing electricity and energy. It is very old technique. It is not very popular but it is environmental friendly. To know something more, take a look on these wind power facts.

Energy Production

Wind power technique can produce a sufficient amount of energy. A large wind turbine containing 200 feet tall towers which can support giant blades. These blades are of 100 feet in diameter. They can produce electricity for minimum 200 homes.


These wind power turbines can only work in those areas, where a enough amount of wind speed is available. The ideal condition should have minimum 8mph wind speed. It is for 18-20 hours per day.

Low Maintenance

The wind power turbine requires very low maintenance cost. There is very low wear and tear occurs in normal conditions. The gear box is of very high quality and the motor and assembly is designed for smooth running of unit.

No Pollution

One of the major benefit of wind power energy is, it do not produce environmental pollution. Machines can only generate biochemical which can be removed easily.


Wind power energy is produced in Germany, United States, Spain and Denmark. These all countries are generating energy from wind power. They are also adding the total consumption is produced.