Peer Pressure Facts

Peer pressure is growing concern in our society. When kids or young people are influenced by the company of their peer, classmates and friends, it is called as Peer pressure. It has both positive and negative effects on youngsters that pay an important role in changing their habits. Here are some facts about peer pressure.

1. Definition

Peer is the term that is normally used for age fellows or class fellows. So peer pressure is the influence of company of a person that encourages it to change its behavior and attitude either in positive manner or negative manner.

2. Youth Peer Pressure

The terms peer pressure is mostly used for young people, as they spend most of their time together like in schools and colleges and easily fascinated by the habits of their age fellows.

3. Reason behind Peer Pressure

As peer pressure is mostly found in youngsters, so it leads us towards few common reasons behind peer pressure. In fact, children have no such mental growth that they could distinguish between goods and bads for them. Moreover, they have no fear of consequences in young age.

4. Positive Peer Pressure

In less than half cases, positive results can also be seen from peer pressure like adopting good habits and leaving bad habits as well as exposure to the world.

5. Negative Peer Pressure

In more than half cases, peer pressure effects negatively like smoking habits, testing while driving, drinking and sometimes criminal acts as well.