Teeth Facts

Teeth are white structures that consist of calcium containing hard tissues and are found in the jaws of human beings and animals. Almost all vertebrates contain teeth to chew the food. There are many interesting facts about teeth that are as following.

1. Types of Teeth

In case of mammals, there are two types of teeth that are primary and permanent. On the whole, there are four types of teeth that are called Incisor, canine, premolar and molar.

2. Shape of Teeth

Shape of teeth depends upon the diet. For example, herbivores need molars to grind and chew the teeth in contract to carnivores that need canines to tear their prey. However, omnivores need both canines and molars.

3. Human Teeth

Human babies have up to 20 teeth that are called milk teeth and they fall in the age of 6-7 years. After this, permanent teeth start to grow and replace the milk teeth. They grow in the numbers up to 32.

4. Structure of Teeth

Teeth are covered by means of means gum. The structure of teeth consists of crown that is covered with enamel, dentine that is the sensitive and hard substance, cementum and pulp. .

5. Source of Fossil Evaluation

Teeth are helpful for archeologists and biologists to estimate the age of fossil of an animal, as these are the only animal body parts that have much longer life.