Bones Facts

Bones are the parts of our body that build up the structure of our body, make our skeleton, support and protect our body organs. Without bones, we cannot do anything like moving, eating etc. You can say that bones are responsible for all our body functions. Here are some bones facts.

1. Total Human Bones

Total numbers of bones that are the present in an adult human being are 206. The interesting thing is that, most of them are the parts of our hands and feet.

2. Smallest Bone

The smallest bone that is present in human body is stirrup bone. This is also known as stapes and is present in the middle portion of our ear. The total length of this bone is just 28 cm.

3. Strange Fact about Bones

There is a strange fact about human bones that at the time of birth, a baby contains 300-350 bones. With the time being, this number reduces and reaches up to 206 that becomes permanent number till death.

4. Composition

In terms of ingredients, our bones consist of 50% solid water and 50% water.

5. Division of Bones

When we divide the bones with respect of our organs, we see that there are 14 bones in our face, 27 bones in our hands, 8 bones in wrist, 30 in skull and 23 in each foot.