Healthy Eating Facts

Healthy eating is the term which includes various habits and lifestyles to lead a healthy and happy life. Well, the thing to consider adopting healthy eating habits to stay away from diseases. Here are some facts about healthy eating.

1. Definition

The definition of healthy eating is the diet which is helpful not only in lowering the chances of heart diseases, diabetes, blood pressure and cancer, but also maintains and improves health.

2. Sources of Healthy Diet

The sources of healthy or balanced diet are all types of food like vegetables, fruits, cereals and meat to fulfill the need of fats, carbohydrate, fiber, protein and vitamins in balanced proportion.

3. Quantity of Healthy Diet

No doubt, a healthy diet includes all types of fruits, vegetables, meat and cereals but in balanced proportion. The first principle of eating meal is to avoid over-eating and leaving some space empty in the stomach.

4. No use of water after eating

Water should always be taken before eating a meal and must avoid water after eating. This simple principle can save a man from lots of diseases.

5. Limited use of Fast Food

The second name of fast food is junk food which is obviously not good for health. So ensure the very limited use of fast food in your diet.