Leukemia Facts

Leukemia is a blood cancer, which is considered really dangerous for the human beings. There are different types of blood cancers, but Leukemia produces inside the bone marrow of human bones. A large number of people are affected with this disease, almost all over the world. In children, under 20 years of age, Leukemia is the most common type of blood cancer. Here are some facts about Leukemia.

1. Causes:

The exact causes of Leukemia are unknown but there are some risk factors which enhances the chances of getting this disease. Radiation, smoking and certain genetic conditions play an important role.

2. Symptoms:

There are some common symptoms of Leukemia like fever, infections, Headache, pain in joints, swollen lymph nodes, weight loss and abdominal discomfort.

3. Types of Leukemia:

There are four types of leukemia, which are Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Chronic myeloid Leukemia, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

4. Prevalence:

Cases of leukemia are increasing almost all over the world. According to an estimate there were more than 6, 000, 00 people suffering from leukemia in 2010 and the number is still increasing.

5. Prevention:

The causes of leukemia are not known so the prevention is not possible in most of the cases. However, smoking increases the chances of getting this disease.