Underage Drinking Facts

Drinking is an addiction and a large number of people drink alcohol all over the world. In the past, only adults were indulge in this bad habit but now underage drinking is an increasing concern in many countries of the world. A large number of high school teenagers are drinking alcohol, which is having harmful effects on the future. Here are some facts about underage drinking.

1: Types of Alcohol

There are three basic types of these drinks, which are consumed by young people. Namely these are beer, wine and spirits. All these have same potential of addiction.

2: Death Rate

According to a study, more than 5,000 deaths are associated with underage drinking in United States only. It includes it includes motor vehicle crashes, homicides and suicides. Injuries are other than these deaths.

3: Health Hazard

Alcoholic drinks act on the nervous system of the user. Initially, consumer feels relaxed and happy. However, with consistent use it can cause severe damage to nerve cells. Other than nervous system, it can cause damage to liver, respiratory system and heart.

4: Availability

In United States, it is concluded after a survey that for 90% of high school children, alcohol is very easy to obtain, although it is illegal to sale alcohol under the age of 21.

5: Prevention

Many countries of the world are running crash programs to create awareness in young people, about the harmful effects of alcohol. Moreover, ban underage drinking is also very necessary.