10 Fossils Facts

We can define fossils as the remains of organisms like animals, plants etc. that are still preserved even after passing a long time to their death. In fact, fossils reflect the buried parts of organisms that were present on the earth, a long time ago. The majority of fossils that are found are of extinct animals. Continue reading 10 Fossils Facts

10 Wind Energy Facts

In this age of industrial civilization and industrial development business men are keen to find resources and methods to increase their profit margin. In making of product many power resources are use. One of the most abundant and almost free of cost resources is wind energy. Continue reading 10 Wind Energy Facts

10 Electricity Facts

Electricity is a flow of electric charge that is a form of potential energy. The coulomb forces present between the charged particles are the cause behind generation of electricity. However, the value of potential energy in this case is taken as zero. Continue reading 10 Electricity Facts

10 Oil facts

Oil is that natural resource which has made the world crazy about its occupation and that too when the experts say that there is not much oil left in the core of the earth. There some very sad realities attached with oil. Continue reading 10 Oil facts

10 Energy Facts

E=mc^2 was the most famous discovery of Einstein. With his discovery of energy- mass relationship many new inventions and discoveries took place. There are some natural reservoirs of energy and some were created by men by converting energy from one type to another. Continue reading 10 Energy Facts

10 Gold Facts

Gold is the most precious treasure of the world today. The currency takes its value from gold. And the big economies are converting their assets into gold just because nothing can match its value, it’s such high priced. Gold has been an important asset since old ages. Continue reading 10 Gold Facts