Siberian Tiger Facts

Siberian Tiger that lives in coldest areas of the globe and one of the famous specie of tiger is also called “World largest Cats”. They are the animals that are enlisted in the most endangered animal species due to massive hunting. Here are some facts about Siberian Tiger.

1. Description

The average length of Siberian Tiger is from 10 to 12 feet with average weight from 400 to 650 pounds. The strip color of pale orange Siberian Tiger skin is deep black, but of white Siberian Tiger is chocolate brown.

2. Diet

Siberian Tigers are carnivorous animals and being the inhabitant of cold areas, their favorite diet is elk, deer and wild pig. In case of availability, the average diet of an adult Siberian Tiger is more than 200 pounds per day. However, for survival, they need minimum 20 pounds meet per day.

3. Habitat

In old days, the saturated habitats of Siberian Tigers were cold areas of Russia, Korea and China. However, their habitat has been shrinking present days only up to eastern Russia.

4. Endangered Animals

Siberian Tigers are at top of the list of endangered animals due to cruel hunting habits of human. At present, only 490 Siberian Tigers are present in different zoo of the world and the numbers of wild Siberian Tigers are not more than 350 in the whole world.

5. Interesting Facts

Normally, Siberian Tigers are not considered as man-eaters due to negligible recorded cases. In 1940, the numbers of Siberian Tigers were reduced up to highly worrying point means up to 40 in numbers. However, after the great struggle of WWF and Russian government, a remarkable increase in their count has been observed.