10 Jellyfish Facts

Oceans make 70 percent of earth. They not only contain huge amount of water but also strange and interesting creatures, jelly fish are one of those sea creatures. There are many false things associated with them as well but this due to the strange characteristics they posses and the strange built they have. Jelly fish are food for many species of fish and they themselves eat many other sea creatures. Like fish, they are also beautiful and have beautiful colors. Their uniqueness, beauty and their strange life is going to be discussed in the next lines.

1. Their Body

Jelly fish are very delicate creatures. They are made up of water like all other creatures but the water component of their body is more than 95 percent. They are delicate and can be damaged easily, without water they will die in no time.

2. Their Body Structure

Jelly fish are different from all other creatures because they do not have any left and right of their body, they have top and bottom, their top is in the bell and bottom in the tentacles.

3. Food Digestion

There is only one opening in jelly fish in their digestion process. Their mouth is located on the outer side of the bell and the waste material is also excreted through their mouth.

4. Movement

To move, jelly fish do not have fins like fish. They move like jets. They fill water in the muscular bell and then release it to move forward. They also drift on water currents.

5. They Are Bloodless And Brainless

Jellyfish are bloodless and brainless creature. They also do not have any sensory network in their body. They only have eye spots that differentiate from dark to light and have chemosensory pits that identify prey.

6. Layers Of The Body

The body of jelly fish has three layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis; the gastro vascular cavity in the inner layer is called the gastro dermis while in the middle of these two is found the mesoglea.

7. Nematocysts

Here are found thousands of nematocysts on their arms and mouth that help them catch the prey. These nematocysts, when touch some edible thing inject venom in the body of the victim which makes the victim immovable.

8. Phylum Cnidaria

Jelly fish belong to phylum cnidaria along with sea anemones, corals and hydras.

9. 200 Species

There are 200 known species of true jelly fish. Some of these are extremely poisonous, e.g. sea wasp.

10. Craspedacusta

This is the creature belonging to the hydrozoa group. It is the only specie of jelly fish that lives in fresh waters, although it is not the true jelly fish.