Pompeii Facts

Pompeii is an old city which was buried million of years ago. It was an old roman city, which is near Naples now a day. Many stories and myths are associated with this old city. Here are some facts about Pompeii.

1. Reason of destruction

Eruption of volcano, called Mount Vesuvius, was the reason of the destruction of Pompeii. In AD 79 this volcano erupted and many cities were buried under it, Pompeii was one of them.

2. Rediscovery of the city

The city was rediscovered after 1700 years in 1748. This excavation opened many new doors towards ancient civilizations. It is one of the World Heritage sites and a great tourist’s attraction; millions of visitors visit Pompeii every year.

3. Findings in excavations

After excavation of Pompeii, historians have found lots of artifacts. They found huge villas with decorative doors, bath houses and sophisticated water drainage system.

4. A well preserved city

Pompeii is well preserved in the ashes of volcano. Visitors can walk inside the city and can actually see the ancient Greek buildings and other structures like fountains.

5. An Eye Witness

When Pompeii was destroyed by the volcanic eruption, a boy was seeing this from a large distance, his name was Pliny.