10 African Facts

Africa is the place rich for its diverse cultures and diverse languages. This continent is said to be the oldest inhabitant of humans. This means that human race started from this place. On this part of earth, scientists have found many historically important places and things. The famous pyramids of pharaohs are also found in this region. Below are given some general facts about Africa.

1. Number of countries

There are total of 54 countries in Africa. Two of the territories of Africa are disputed, the Somali land and Western Sahara. The youngest country of Africa is south Sudan, came into being in year 2011.

2. Tallest mountain

Tall, majestic and beautiful mountains are scattered everywhere on this earth. The tallest mountain found in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro. It is 19, 340 feet tall. This mountain is located in Tanzania.

3. Lowest point

The lowest point of Africa is in Djibouti. This point lies 515 feet below the sea level.

4. Sahara desert

This desert is world famous because once it used to be seen as life taking place. This is the largest desert of Africa. It covers 3.5 million square feet area. It stretches from North Africa and is part of z dozen countries of Africa.

5. Longest river

Rivers make the true glory of the places they flow. The longest river that is also pride of Africa is the river Neil. This river flows from Uganda till Egypt. It has its importance because this name has come in religious scriptures too.

6. Africa’s largest lake

Second largest lake in the world is found in Africa. It is called Lake Victoria; it touches Uganda, Kenya and Egypt. It covers 26,560 square miles. It is main source of the Neil River.

7. The longest island

World’s fourth largest island is also situated in Africa. Madagascar is 1000 miles long and 350 miles wide. It is in the Indian Ocean.

8. Victoria fall

Victoria fall is the largest water fall of Africa. It is 1 miles wide and 355 feet high. It is located on the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe. During the wet seasons over 500 million liters of water falls from this water fall.  The spray of water can be seen from over 30 miles of distance.

9. Most populated country

The most populated country of Africa is Nigeria with around 145 million people and the least populated country us the Seychelles while least densely populated country is Namibia.

10. Number of ethnic groups

The estimated number of ethnic groups in Africa is 3000. This is just an estimate these groups could be more than 3000.