Glaciers Facts

A large persistent body of thick ice is called as glacier. They come into existence due to accumulation of snow over the period of many years, sometimes centuries. A glacier can slowly flow and deform, due to excessive weight of snow. Here are some facts about glaciers.

1. Name

The word glacier comes from French, which has Latin origin, Glacies, which means ice. The features related to glacier are called as glacial and the process of forming and growth of glarier is called as glaciations.

2. Situation

99% of glacial ice is present in Polar Regions in the form of ice sheets. Other glaciers are found in Himalayas, Andes, in East Africa, Mexico and in ran.

3. Fresh water reservoir

Glacier act as a reservoir of fresh water, which store water in the form of ice in winters and after melting in summers provide this water to the human, animals and plants. This is a very important part of water cycle.

4. Types of glaciers

Glaciers are categorized into different types depending upon their morphology and thermal characteristics. Alpine glaciers, valley glaciers, outlet glaciers and continental glaciers are few common types of glaciers.

5. Ogives

Ogives are alternating dark and light bands of ice, which form as the glacier grows. They help in calculating the life of a glacier.