10 Climate Change Facts

Climate refers to weather, atmosphere or environment. As we move from one area to another, climate changes either sharply or slightly. Climate changes involve many factors including the kind of place i.e. plain or hilly areas or shores etc. similarly, climate also changes due to many manmade factors. The industrial areas have a different climate due to pollution etc. the climate of the earth has changed over all due to the pollution of all types. In the lines below, the main focus will be on what impacts the pollution has over the change in the atmosphere of the world in small period of time.

1. Change

A myth or misconception about the climate change is that before industrial area, climate was stable. But this is not fact, climate has always been changed and our earth needs this natural and pre defined process of climate change, though industrial era has hurt the climate badly.

2. Atmospheric Warming

Since 1958, there has been noticed no atmospheric temperature warming by the scientists. But on the ground, the temperature has been seen to have risen up to 0.40 degree Celsius. Scientists say that the temperature on ground is biased due to the heat in the plains.

3. Anthropogenic Signal

More than 50 million US dollars have been spent to find any anthropogenic signal over the atmospheric temperature, but nothing is found till now.

4. Greenhouse Effect

Almost every person will curse the green house effect which is bringing the heat to our earth more than ever before. But the reality is that without it, the avg. temperature of earth would b -180 degree Celsius.

5. Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is accused for increasing the earth temperature through greenhouse effect, but the reality is, its contribution is only 26 percent or 80 degree C of the total 330 C of temperature. The 70 % of greenhouse effect is due to the water vapors.


UN’S intergovernmental panel on climate change passed the Kyoto protocol against the global warming and has used their position politically not scientifically as said by many geological experts. They call this organization a biggest scaremonger who distorts the realities.

7. Unpredictable

Many years and millions of dollars have been spent to understand the climate change but this is a fact that there are many areas or aspects of climate change still unable to comprehend and there can’t be any prediction of this change even in near future.

8. Climate Models

We often see that rain pours down when there is no prediction of it, and when its prediction of rain, sun shines brightly. There is no climate model that can project the climate position even in a specific region though these models are useful in understanding the weather pattern.

9. The Biggest Misconception

The weather is changing drastically and over 100 years earth will be a hot ball, well this is no true, in fact this is called the biggest untruth of the humans because the climate changes are a natural process, though little changes have occurred due to human intervention in nature as well.

10. Forests

On earth, we have natural regulator of climate and weather, the forests. Cutting down of forests mean the weather is going to be unregulated which is dangerous.