Littering Facts

Littering is an undesirable and illegal act that still many people all over the world do intentionally or unintentionally and make their surrounding dirty. There are many harmful effects of littering not only on human health, but also on our environment as well. Here are some crucial facts about littering.

1. Definition

Littering means to throw the waste outside the door anywhere without disposing it into proper place for garbage. This kind of irresponsible behavior could be due to intentional attitude or sometimes unintentionally.

2. Impact of Littering

The routine of disposing garbage could be either intentional or unintentional, it is injurious and irresponsible attitude in both respect. The bad impact of littering appears in the form of many diseases for human beings as well as animals and also pollutes our environment as well.

3. Reasons behind Littering

There are several reasons behind littering behavior. Some common reasons are like laziness, lack of education, no feeling for dirty surrounding, criminal thinking, unavailability of disposal bins, lack of time etc.

4. Sources of littering

The common sources of littering are drivers, uncovered but loaded trucks, pedestrians, demolition sites, dispersal of garbage cans due to animals, commercial dumpsters etc.

5. Major Cause of Littering

The leading cause of littering is cigarette butts. Sometimes, there could be unavailability of disposal bins nearby smoking area, but in most cases the careless behavior of people becomes the cause of littering.