Bottled Water Facts

Water is very important for the existence of life, and it is truly called as cradle of life. Water is available in many different forms on planet earth. Frozen glaciers, vast seas, running rivers and water vapors are few forms of water. Ground water is usually used for drinking purposes, which is also available in bottles. Here we are discussing few facts about bottled water.

1: Source

It is said that bottled water is obtained from the ground but they are treated to make it safe for human consumption. However, a study shows that nearly 40% bottled water is filled directly from the taps and it does not meet any quality standards.

2: Environmental concerns

Only one bottle out of five bottles goes for recycling, and rest four contribute in heaps of solid wastes, which is a great environmental concern all over the world.

3: Cause of oil crisis

A large quantity of petroleum products is used in making these bottles, which is becoming a major cause of oil crisis.

4: impurities

According to a research, bottled water has chemical contaminations, which are not safe for human consumption.

5: Costly

Bottled water is 10,000 times costly as compared to tap water. Tap water costs 0.0015 dollars per gallon, while bottled water costs 10 dollars per gallon.