10 Respiratory System Facts

Human body is made up of cells which make tissues. Tissues join up together to form organs and these organs make up a system. There are many systems in our body like digestive system, urinal system, respiratory system etc. These systems are made to make the working of body more efficient. These different systems play their specific role in the functioning of the body and regulate the daily activities of life. The system which we are going to discuss here is none other than the respiratory system. Its main function is to make humans able to respire without difficulty.

1. Parts

The main parts included in the human respiratory system are nose and lungs. In Plants stoma and in amphibians even skin plays an important role.

2. Function

The main function of respiratory system is to able living organisms respire. Generally they intake oxygen and gives out carbon-dioxide

3. Plants

Plants, unlike other organisms, intake carbon-dioxide and exhale oxygen during respiration. Due to this fact there’s remain a balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide ratio in the atmosphere.

4. Function of nose

The nose is used to respire in human beings. The hairs present in nose filter the air as well as warm it a little bit. This warm air is easy to inhale.

5. Control of Respiration

Respiration is control by brain. It is an automatically occurring activity and one doesn’t need to do extra ordinary effort for it. Our brain automatically regulates our respiration.

6. Steps of Respiration

Respiration mainly consists of two steps. Inhalation process in which organism inhale air and get the required oxygen while the other step is exhalation in which organism exhale air and release carbon-dioxide in atmosphere.

7. Acid-Base Balance

The respiratory system also balances the acid-base ration in organisms. With the process of exhalation the metabolic waste in gaseous form is also removed from the body.

8. Speaking Power

The movement of air through our respiratory parts is the reason why we can speak. When we speak, the air passing through our mouth and other parts produce vibrations by which sound is produced.

9. Diseases

Like all other system there are many diseases related to respiratory system. Some of the most common diseases are bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis.

10. Vital For Survival

Respiratory system is vital for survival. Our body cells need oxygen to reproduce, build up and to turn food into energy. They will die without oxygen. So Respiratory System is essential for survival of a living organism.
