10 Girls Facts

Girls are said to be the most sensitive and emotional creation of God; sometimes it’s true and obviously sometimes girls prove this statement to be wrong.  Girls are the main topic of majority of art and literature work. Poets and authors have not written about anything so beautifully except girls. They called girls to be the reason of colors in the world. But it is also true that despite of being so sensitive and polite sometime they are exploited and sometimes the girls also don’t prove to be a respectable personality.

1. Diet conscious

Girls are usually diet and weight conscious. They prefer their physical smartness over their mental smartness. They do exercise and follow (sometimes really tough diet plans) to control their weight or maintain their smartness.

2. Fashion and beauty conscious

Girls are said to be a lot more fashion conscious than men. They weekly or monthly visit beauty parlor and fashion outlets. Usually girls consider it necessary to spend or save some amount on money for their fashion needs.

3. Fantasy world

Girls live in their own fantasy world where they live as a Barbie doll…but as they grow up and realize the hardships of live, they come to know that it’s not like their fantasy world.  They embrace every hardship of life open mindedly and open heartedly.

4. Creative minded

Girls are a lot more creative minded than boys; it is said by theory but reality seems to be a lot more different than this, because every successful artist is usually a man!

5. Extravagant

Girls are not good savers because they have to spend on their fashion and beauty as well.

6. Sincere

In the attribute of sincerity, girls are far ahead than boys. When they take care of something; it’s just out of courtesy and affection. It is said that girl are always sincere in both love and hatred.

7. Pure hearted

Girls are always pure hearted. They say what they feel and hate to hurt anybody. This is why the number of criminals is a lot higher in men than women.

8. Hard working

Girls are no doubt, hardworking. Though they are said to be the delicate creation of god; they have succeeded in every aspect of life. From sewing to flying and from warships to court yard they are every where

9. What does she care for?

Girls do not care about money or anything else. There is only one thing that can melt a girl’s heart and that is love and care for her.

10. Fearful or fearless

It seems that girls are more fearful than men…but actually it’s wrong! Science has proved that girls are slightly less fearful than men.