Jamestown Facts

In the past England had many colonies and James town was one of them, most probably the first of them. It was established by the King James I, so it is called as James town. It was established in 1607. Here are some interesting facts about this English colony, which does not exist now.

  1. Establishment: The town was established by the King James I. Three ships arrived at the Virginia location, which were having nearly 100 passengers. The goal for the establishment of this town was to mine gold and find another way to Asia.
  2. Problems: The colonist faced many problems in the beginning. Lack of food and water was the most serious of them. Moreover the climate of the place was also unfamiliar for the colonist, which created many problems for them.
  3. America’s first colony: James town was the first permanent colony of the America. All other settlements were influenced by this. Slavery was started in this town and it was also known doe farming techniques.
  4. Geographical Importance: The waters of the town are really deep, ideal for ships. The area has heavy forests and climate is idea for tobacco crop.
  5. End of town: James town were started to disperse, when government moved to Williamsburg in 1699. By the mid 1700s the town was deserted and now it’s just a tourist’s attraction.