10 Digestive System Facts

The food we eat must have to digest in our body; if it doesn’t, we can die. The digestive system digests our food and converts that into blood and that blood is provided to the cells of our body. Vitamins and other minerals, proteins etc that are carried by our food reach to their destination properly with the help of digestive system. This is the process that starts from our mouth and somehow ends at our stomach.

1. Misconception

It is a common misconception in our minds that digestion of food starts when it reaches to our stomach. No its not! This process starts right from the moment when we start chewing our food.

2. Proper chewing

As the digestion process starts from our mouth, so doctors say that it really important that you chew your food properly and convert that into small particles.

3. Importance of digestion

The food we eat is used for the nourishment of our body. Food should be converted into small particles in our mouth so that our stomach doesn’t have to work harder.

4. How does digestion happen?

Digestion involves making small digestible particles of our food combined with saliva then in our stomach hydro choleric acid and other food juices are mixed in this food. This way our food is digested.

5. How much food is required for this system?

Doctors say that you should not eat up to the maximum level. Somehow, a normal person eats about 500 kg of food in a year.

6. Saliva

Saliva is the most important component of digestive system. It mixes with the food in our mouth. About a quart of saliva is produced in our mouth each year.

7. Role of tongue

The tongue pushes the food down into the throat. It goes down into the tube called esophagus. The muscles of this tube squeeze and relax to push the food down to the stomach.

8. Stomach

Stomach stores food and works like a mixer. The stomach releases some digestive juices and acids that help digesting the food properly.

9. Journey of the food

Depending on the type and quantity of it your food usually takes 24 to 33 hours to complete its journey of digestion.

10. Indigestible food

Some of the things in our food can’t be digested like chewing gum. Such waste products are flushed out of our body through large intestine.