10 Carrots Nutrition Facts

Carrot is a vegetable, which grows in plant roots. Generally, we see it in orange color, but it is also found in red, white, yellow and purple colors. Its texture is very crisp, when it is fresh. Usually, its root part is used as food; green leaves are also edible, but not used commonly. It was the wild plant, but due to its taste and nutrition, it was domesticated in Europe and Asia. Carrot juice is the popular among the general public, almost throughout the world. It is tasty, nutritious and highly beneficial for human body. Here we are discussing some facts about carrot nutrition.

1. Calories per 100 gram

Carrot is rich in fiber, vitamin and has high anti – oxidants. It has only traces of fats and no cholesterol is found in carrot. It supplies 41 calories per 100 g.

2. Fiber Content

Although, it has many nutrients and offers many advantages, but the biggest benefit of Carrots is its high fiber content.

3. Anti-cancer Vegetable

Carrots have high content of rich poly-acetylene anti-oxidant falcarinol. Researchers have found that this content helps in fighting against cancer. It can destroy pre-cancerous cells found in tumors.

4. Versatile Use of Carrots

Carrots are great in taste and people use them in raw form, sometimes with dip and sometime without any dip. It is also an essential part of salads and soups.  Moreover, they are also consumed after boiling and frying. Undoubtedly, they are one of the most versatile vegetables, like potatoes, which are eaten in verity of ways.

5. Higher Starch Contents

Carrots have high carbohydrates and starch content, due to its sweet taste, so health conscious people should consider this aspect before eating it.

6. Great source of Vitamin C

Carrots are great source of vitamin C, as they provide about 9% of RDA. This Vitamin is such an anti-oxidant, which is soluble in water. It is useful for teeth and gums.

7. Source of Nutrition and Color

Β-carotene is responsible for such bright color of carrot, in the presence of bile salts in intestine, it metabolized into vitamin A.

8. High mineral Contents

Carrot also has high levels of minerals such as copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an essential component of cell and body fluids that assists controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Similarly, Manganese is used as a co-factor by the human body for the antioxidant enzymes.

9. Tips for Selection

Carrots, smaller in size is sweeter than the longer ones. So, it is recommended to select less than 6 inches long carrots.

10. Forms of Usage

Many delicious sweet dishes are prepared with carrots.  “Gaajar halwa,” is a popular dish in Asia, which is prepared by using grated carrots, dry fruits, sugar and milk. This vegetable is also used in puddings, soups, and cakes.