Alzheimer Facts

Dementia is a loss of brain function and Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia. It affects not only memory and thinking but behavior also. It gets worse with the passage of time. Unfortunately, there is no treatment available for this disease once it occurs. Here are some facts about Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Diagnostic features

Problems with language, problems in decision making and judgment and abnormal personality traits are some diagnostic features of Alzheimer. A person can easily recognize Alzheimer‘s patient.

2. Causes

Aging is a big factor which can cause Alzheimer; other causes include family history, blood pressure, head trauma and female gender. If a patient have close relatives like brother, sister or parents having Alzheimer, he has more chances to get this disease.

3. Symptoms

Signs and symptoms for Alzheimer’s are very clear. Symptoms of this disease include problems in many areas of mental functions like language, memory, perception, emotional behavior and cognitive skills.

4. Treatment

There is no treatment for Alzheimer’s, but drugs are used to manage with sleep problems, agitation and to slow the rate of brain impairment.

5. Use of supplements

Some people use vitamins and other supplements to cope with the disease. However, there is no evidence that these supplements help in any way, once disease occurs.