10 Down Syndrome Facts

Not everyone is blessed by the normal working brain and normal working limbs. Those who have are blessed by normality and those who have lack of or excess of anything in their body’s anatomy are the handicapped. There are people who suffer from Down syndrome. This is the excess of 1 chromosome in these people’s nucleus. The other facts are numbered and explained below.

1. Pre conception

It happens due to one extra chromosome. Normal people have 46 chromosome but people with down syndrome have 47. This is the pre conception in which nobody can be blamed or can do anything.

 2. Trisomy

It is called the trisomy which means the third copy instead of 2 copies of any given chromosomes. Medically, the 21st chromosome is the affected one. Here affected means the added one.

3. It is not a disease

It is not a disease so it should not be treated so. It is the extra addition to the chromosomes. There is nothing that could be done to prevent this situation.

4. Types

There are three types of down syndrome. The most common of them is the disjunction then mosiacism and translocation. In mosiacism, not all cells are affected by the extra chromosome.

5. Dr. Down

The person who described it first is Dr. John Langdon Down. After him this particular mul-functioning of chromosomes was given the name down syndrome.

6. Mothers’ age

Doctors say that with the growing age of mothers, the chances of babies to born with down syndrome are high. But it is also a fact that 80 percent of the babies born with down syndrome are born to the females below 35 years.

7. Independent

It would be wrong to associate this syndrome to any specific race, gender, religion, or nationality. It is a genetic mul-function which can occur at any place.

8. Occurrence

The likelihood of down syndrome of occur in the babies is not very potential. 1 among 800 live births can have this syndrome on average.

9. Variations in abilities

Just like normal humans, people with down syndrome are also variable with respect to their qualities and abilities. They should not be thought as alike and have same qualities and abilities.

10. Life expectancy

It is true that people with down syndrome do not live long. They die early. Their life expectancy has change dramatically in last 50 years. This first it was only 25 years and now it is 56 years.