10 Roman Facts

The word “Roman” is used for citizen, people, empire or anything of ancient Rome. The word “roman” is also used for font i.e. a specific font is called roman or times new roman. Today Rome is the capital of Italy. It is the largest and most populated city of Italy. Ancient roman kingdom was the biggest kingdom in the history and their teachings, findings and discoveries are still equally practiced and praised and cannot be challenged.

1. History

Roman history is about 14000 years old. Roman Empire has been the world’s most dominant power of its time. The city of current Rome was founded by Romulus in 753 BC and on his name; the empire was named as the Roman Empire.

2. Religion

Catholic religion was practiced in ancient Rome. The word catholic is a derivation of a Greek word and it means “universal”. Pops are the spiritual teachers and practitioners according to catholic religion.

3. Roman myths and beliefs

The entire Roman Catholic beliefs and myths are surrounded by one common belief of recursion of Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus would come back from heavens and that would be the time when all of the unrest and anxiety of the world will eliminate.

4. Roman architecture

Rome has the great architecture both from ancient and current times. These architectures are still counted as master pieces. Roman colosseum is the biggest ever amphitheater in the world which was built in 70 AD.

5. Geography

The roman region is situated near Tiber Island. Its region was the biggest region in the whole west.

6. Ancient roman personalities

Most popular ancient roman personalities include Democritus, Plato and Aristotle. All of these personalities are still known for their great contribution in different sciences.

7. Slaves

Ancient roman used to keep slaves (as they had great army so they won always). Those slaves were tortured and were barely fed. And one of the most common funs for ancient romans was to see dangerous fights between different slaves. And the one who lost was dead.

8. Roman calendar

Julius ceaser was the one who introduced this modern 12 month calendar. Before that lunar or Arabic calendars were used.

9. Alphabets

Ancients Romans played their great role in development of modern alphabets. Modern alphabets are an extension of roman alphabets.

10. Olympic Games

First Olympic Games were held in Rome in 776 BC. The name of that city was Olympia that is why these games are called Olympic Games.