10 Drunk Driving Facts

Sometimes people try to drive vehicles under the influence of alcohol or any other drug; this is known as drunk driving. Drunk driving is illegal in any law in, any country and in any situation. There are some rules and regulations of driving and ‘drunk driving’ is categorized as one of the most dangerous violations of driving rules and this is why its punishment is also tough as compared to other punishments of violating driving laws. Drunk drivers, if caught, can go to jail even.

1. Serious crime

Driving after getting drunk or after using any other drug is considered as a serious crime in many countries and if a person I caught in this situation, when he/she is not in senses, he can be charged with serious charges and his or her driving license can be canceled.

2. Charges on drunk drivers

Drunk drivers are charged with the crime DUI i.e. driving under the influence of drugs or DWI driving while intoxicated.

3. Cause of accidents

Every year more than half of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers among which about 805 are beer consumers.

4. Increasing rate

Every year the case of drunk driving are increasing. According to a survey report, held in 2006, evry year the number of, casualties caused by drunk driving, is increasing by 30%

5. Age factor

Age factor also plays a huge role in it, because these are the teen agers who consider drunk driving to be a fun. 18 to 20 year old drivers are usually drunk in European countries.

6. Males

The ratio of male drunk drivers is double than females. The ratio if males are 21% and ration of females is about 11%.

7. Laws

Since 1980, more than 2300 anti-drunk driving laws have been passed in the world, but unfortunately, every year number of drunk drivers is increasing.

8. Developed countries

According to a research, the number of casualties and accident due to drunk driving is more in developed countries than developing countries. This seems quite shocking because laws against drunk driving are stricter in these countries.

9. Time duration

If someone is drunk, he/she should wait at least 6 hours before driving because it takes 6 hours to eliminate alcohol from our system.

10. Highest rate of accidents

21-24, this is the age limit of those drivers that cause highest rate of collision and they belong to western countries mostly.