Water Cycle Facts

Water is an essential part of our lives, in other words it is cradle of life and no life is possible without water. Water Cycle is essential for the distribution of water on planet earth. Moreover, water cycle cleans the impurities of water and makes it suitable for human consumption. Continue reading Water Cycle Facts

Pine Tree Facts

Pine trees belong to the family of coniferous trees and scientifically it is genus Pinus and family panacea. It is a large family, and there are more than 115 species of this tree in the world.  The oldest pine tree is around 4,800 years old. Continue reading Pine Tree Facts

Kilimanjaro Facts

Kilimanjaro or Mount Kilimanjaro is a huge strato-volcano situated in Tanzania’s National Kilimanjaro Park. It is 5,895 meters high from sea level that makes it highest mountain of Africa. There is no known reason behind its name “Kilimanjaro”. Continue reading Kilimanjaro Facts

Mississippi River Facts

Mississippi river is the forth longest river of the world, which is also the largest river in North America. It flows in entire United States. It covers the distance of 4,070 km after emerging from Mexico. A large number of bridges are constructed on the river for different purposes. Continue reading Mississippi River Facts

Oak Tree Facts

Unlike other tress, Oak tree is not a single tree rather more than 400 species of oak tree are found all over the world. These are deciduous trees which are ever green and usually bring flowers in spring season and drop all their leaves in autumn. Continue reading Oak Tree Facts

Mount Fuji Facts

Mount Fuji is one of the three Holy Mountains in Japan. In different languages it has different meaning, some says it means “everlasting life”, while other says it refers to the fire goddess. It is considered as symbol of Japan and many people visit Japan to see Mount Fuji. Continue reading Mount Fuji Facts

Flood Facts

Flood is a natural disaster, which is unpredictable. There are only a few areas in the world which have no concern with flooding. Otherwise, most of areas have constant fear of flood even on yearly basis. Continue reading Flood Facts