Flying Squirrel Facts

There are many species of squirrels present all over the globe. Some of these species are ground squirrels, some are tree squirrels while some are called flying squirrels. Flying squirrels have some interesting myths and facts which could be surprising for somebodies. Here are some facts about flying squirrels.

1. Scientific Description

The scientific name of flying squirrels is Petauristini or Pteromyini which is also the tribal name of these flying animals. This tribe consists of 44 species of squirrel and all species belong to family Sciuridae.

2. Flying Capability

In fact, flying squirrels are not capable of flying like birds, but they can glide between tress up to a distance 45 meters. This is all due to flaps of skin which connects the body with limbs.

3. Tail

The tail helps the flying squirrel to stay stabilize in flight. The tail works as an air brake just like an adjust airfoil which helps to land on a tree trunk.

4. Diet

The flying squirrel usually takes food at night and to take food they use their sense of smell. Their diet includes nuts, fruits, bird eggs and fungi.

5. Life Cycle

Life cycle of flying squirrel is almost 6 years in a wild environment, but they can survive in a zoo up to 15 years.