Chinchilla Facts

Chinchilla is very active and playful animal. It is very small in size and can be kept easily. They are usually found in homes as a pet and are called night animals as well. Here are some interesting facts about Chinchilla.

Size and Shape

They are of different colors from grey, white to black. They are about 10-14 inches in length. Their tail is about 5-6 inches in length.


They are usually nocturnal animals. They normally look active at night. They are very consistent in their daily routine, if you will change it, they will get stressed. They are also known as crepuscular. They have their most peak activities in dawn and dusk. They are very active.


They can be very frank with their owner in their early age, if you have a soft handling with them. Sometimes they do not show very open behavior. It depends on you, how you are dealing them.


They have very delicate digestive system, so their diet should be consistent and balanced. Their diet includes grass hay of very good quality along with pellets. Give them a moderate meal, it should be one teaspoon per day in total.

Interesting Facts

It is very interesting about chinchilla, they have a regular access to dust bath. They like the toys, and they need much kind of toys to play with them.